The Official Blog of Laurel South
Moosetrack News

The Days of Spirit!

There was a rumbling heard this week that could be heard from all over camp. We thought that each campus’s morning cove must have been extraordinarily enthusiastic. We stepped outside to see what all of the commotion was about, only to find our CITs breaking Spirit Days!

For the next two days and nights, the Blue Sharks and Green Gators took to the fields to compete in the friendliest of competitions. For their entire camp careers, campers look forward to the day their CIT group has the opportunity to break and run Spirit Days, compete in KAOS (BTW, one of the closest ever) and pass on this passion and set the standard for future CIT groups. It was truly a Spirit Days for the ages, and in the end the winning team was…Laurel South! We had a great time testing our skills in competition, and we were so excited to finally reunite as one camp family.

As Spirit Days closed on July 4th, we ended with the best fireworks show anywhere! The next day, we fell right into regular program, well-rested from a one-hour sleep-in, and tackled the day. Our 5-Year Club had an amazing time on their morning excursion!

Our 7th Graders headed to their day trip to Ogunquit Beach today where they get to see some of Maine’s most beautiful waterfront. Inter-camp games and tournaments are resuming, and we have a lot left to look forward to:  Moose Bowl…Theater Shows…Rocket Launches…Funtown…Carnival…the list seems endless!


Until next time, we hope your day is as beautiful as it always is in the state of Maine!!