The Official Blog of Laurel South
Moosetrack News

Arrival Day Excitement

There really is no better feeling than jumping off the bus and into the crisp Maine air or running down the hill through the counselor tunnel. Our hearts were racing, smiles beaming, and laughter booming all through the day as Second Session campers traveled from far and wide to get settled into their second home. Arrival day brings on all of the good feelings for us here in Casco as we step back into the excitement that is Second Session. 

Our Arrival Day was full of greetings and reunions, hugs and laughs under a clear Maine summer sky. We reconnected with old friends, met all of our new campers, and kicked off the start of an incredible summer. The night was full of running around at our fast-paced evening programs before setting into our cabins for the night. 

With a fresh set of days ahead, campers and staff are eager to jump into their schedules, but our Moose Stomp day helped us jump start the session in style first. Full of s’mores, swimming, bumper-tubing, and more, there is no doubt the biggest excitement is looking forward to schedules to begin tomorrow. 

Crazy to think about, but our first S day is only a few days away. Our 8th graders will be departing for their Coast of Maine trip through Acadia National Park while our CITs will head up north for their whitewater rafting trip. Our younger groups will also all be out on day trips from Mini Golf to Berry Picking, Adventure Parks to Water Parks. The day is going to be special for all. 

It’s always a beautiful day in the state of Maine, but the weather looks particularly good as we jump into our programming tomorrow. We can’t wait to see what the days hold!