The Official Blog of Laurel South
Moosetrack News

The Sun Sets on First Session…and Rises on Second

It’s quiet. Too quiet.

As the First Session at Laurel South came to a close, camp has fallen quiet for a few days, despite the anticipation for the upcoming Second Session. Bittersweet indeed, but it’s been an incredible journey so far, filled with unforgettable moments, friendships forged and memories made here on Crescent Lake.

The highlight of this transition period has certainly been our Departure Day. Families from near and far gathered to witness firsthand the magic of camp. Campers proudly showcased their activities and experiences, from conquering the climbing wall to perfecting their waterskiing on the lake. Happiness spread across the camp as families reunited, participated in activities together and cherished final moments on the property. It truly was a beautiful day in the state of Maine.

Now, as we bid farewell to some campers and eagerly await the arrival of new faces for Second Session, our dedicated staff is hard at work. The transformation of camp is underway – cabins are being refreshed, program areas are being fine-tuned and new adventures are being planned. It’s a flurry of activity as we prepare to welcome our campers who are eager to dive into the spirit of Laurel South.

We’re counting down the hours until our campers come back.

We love you,

Laurel South