The Official Blog of Laurel South
Moosetrack News

Until We Meet Again…

As the Maine sun sets on our summer at Camp Laurel South, we can’t help but feel a mix of emotions. It seems like just yesterday our campers were jumping off the bus, nervous, excited, anticipating the fun, and now we’re bidding farewell to what has been an incredible experience filled with growth, laughter, and countless memories.

Highlights of the past few days have been plentiful, but none shine quite as bright as our final S-day. The energy was electric as camp came alive for a night of food trucks, music, and fun at our Moosestock music festival! Earlier in the day sportsmanship and teamwork were also on full display as Acadia United clinched the Katahdin Cup, victorious  over Camden City in a spirited, historical competition. The day was capped off with our amazing Color Run 5k, bumper tubing, and countless other special activities.

In a scheduling shake-up, Moosebowl was rained out on its original night, only to be played last night in the most stunning, late summer evening complete with crisp air and a sky full of stars. Both the Rattle Snakes and the Black Bears dazzled the crowd with many plays deserving national media attention. A winner was celebrated, but the real winner was camp as a whole, coming together on such a beautiful night to support our Rangeley boys and enjoy some top notch flag football. Our sensational theatre production of Matilda left us laughing ‘till it hurt and smiling even longer.  The stage will come alive again tonight with Mean Girls, giving us another opportunity to celebrate the creativity and hard work that went into each production. 

As we conclude our last full day of programming, there’s a bittersweet feeling in the air. We’re excited for what lies ahead at our Banquet, Final Social, and our Closing Ceremonies, where we’ll come together one last time to celebrate the friendships and memories that have defined this summer. However, we know packing day looms on the morning horizon, a task that reminds us that our time here is drawing to a close. 

As we pack our duffles and gather our belongings, we all know that the most precious souvenirs of this summer won’t fit into any suitcase. They reside in our hearts — the friendships we’ve made, the challenges we’ve overcome, and the moments of pure joy that have shaped us. Until we meet again, Laurel South, thank you for an unforgettable Second Session. We will miss our campers and can’t wait to see you next summer!